Kitchen Knife Sets

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Many knife manufacturers now have at least one or even several kitchen knife series on offer, consisting of various utility knives and/or specialty knives. In this product category, you will find all kitchen knives offered by Meister Messer that can be assigned to a specific series. Our range includes, for example, kitchen knife series from Böker, Samura, and Odenwolf, but also models from numerous other quality brands.

Kitchen Knife Series combine functionality and aesthetics

The essential commonality of the cutting tools contained in a kitchen knife series is that they are based on a unified concept. This can extend to the design of the knives – such as the shape of the blade or its finish – as well as the materials used.

The knives of the Shippu series by Tojiro, for example, always have a blade made of 32-layer Damascus steel, wrapped around a core of VG10 steel. The knife manufacturer always used Japanese oak as the handle material. In contrast, the knives of the Böker series "Forge Wood" have a blade made of X50CrMoV15 steel, a handle made of maple wood, and a dynamic design.

Kitchen knife series score not least because of their coordinated look with an appealing, sometimes even artistic aesthetic. In addition, exquisite, particularly high-quality materials are often used for the knives in a series. Therefore, the cutting tools are suitable for both professional and hobby chefs as well as for collectors and knife enthusiasts who value a uniform design.

What knives are included in a kitchen knife series?

The number and types of cutting or kitchen tools included in a knife series can vary greatly. Some series consist of fewer than five knives, while others include more than ten different kitchen knives. Many series include, among others, the following types of knives:

However, there are also kitchen knife series that include (in addition) a bread knife, a cheese knife, and/or a meat fork. Furthermore, many knife series are continuously expanded - for example, with a new model per year.

Buying kitchen knives from series: What you should pay attention to

Which kitchen knife series is suitable in a specific case depends primarily on which types of knives are used in your kitchen. Especially in the area of specialty knives, the individual series can differ significantly. However, at least one utility knife is almost always included.

Not uncommonly, selected or even all models of a series are also available as a set. Purchasing a kitchen knife set is particularly recommended for individuals looking to acquire a basic set of tools or replace their existing equipment. Typically, a set costs significantly less than the total value of the knives included.

In addition, you should also consider the variables mentioned in almost every kitchen knife test. Of fundamental importance is the blade material. The steel used as the material for the blade determines, on the one hand, how sharp the edge can be sharpened and, on the other hand, how long it stays sharp. While stainless steel blades are usually rust-resistant, carbon steel blades can be ground very thin and easily sharpened. Damascus steel also scores with powerful material properties, but also with a fascinating look.

Order kitchen knife series knives cheaply online

Whether professional chef's knives, vegetable knives, or all-purpose knives: At Meister Messer, you will find the perfect kitchen knife. Our range currently includes models from around 50 different knife series, some of which you can also buy as a kitchen knife set. Explore our extensive range of products today and order your personal favorite.

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