European Swords

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Whether in antiquity, during the age of migrations, or in the Middle Ages: For a long time, swords were among the most popular weapons on the battlefield in Europe. However, the appearance of European swords varies greatly, as close combat weapons have been adapted over the course of history to the combat styles and armor technologies of opponents.

At Meister Messer, military and history enthusiasts will find a wide selection of European swords from different epochs and cultures. In the following article, we introduce our range to you in more detail and explain what distinguishes the different types of swords in detail.

Viking Swords

Viking swords can be considered as direct successors of the Spatha. They are slightly longer and heavier than the previous type and have different blade shapes depending on the era. For example, in the 7th and 8th centuries, mainly parallel edges were used. From the mid-10th century onwards, the blade, which had now tapered towards the tip, became increasingly longer.

Knight Swords

The term "knight sword" is a generic term that stands for various types of swords that were used as weapons in the Middle Ages (from the 10. to the 15. century). These were mostly one-handed swords in a cross shape with a relatively long crossguard.

Until the middle of the 14. century, European swords often had a rather wide blade and a convex edge in cross-section. Later, however, models with a blade tapering towards the tip were increasingly used, which served to pierce the heavy plate armors of enemy soldiers.

Two-handed swords

The hand-and-a-half sword - also known as a bastard sword - is an evolution of ordinary one-handed swords. This was necessary to be able to compete with the improved armors. Corresponding models were used both in the late Middle Ages and in the Renaissance.

The term "Two-handed swords" actually refers to the length of the handle, which was up to 30 centimeters. This design allowed the pommel or the extended sword handle to be gripped with the second hand. The blade of such swords typically reached a length of up to 90 centimeters.


Longswords are another main category that includes various sword forms. The essential characteristic of such European swords is the longer blade compared to previous or contemporary designs in the same era.

Longswords were already used in ancient Rome. According to scientific theories, they entered the arsenal of the Roman army through Celtic mercenaries. The Germans developed the double-edged sword called Spatha in the following centuries into a longsword with a length of up to 110 centimeters. These were usually one-handed swords

In addition, this category also includes various types of swords from the Middle Ages. An example of this are the often designed as two-handed swords, great swords, and war swords, which became increasingly popular from the 13th century. Corresponding designs originally differed mainly by their longer handle from previously used models - from the 15st century, however, also by longer blades.

Sabers and Rapiers

Towards the end of the Middle Ages, the classic sword as a weapon lost more and more importance. This is mainly due to the increasing use of firearms, which completely changed the way battles were fought. With the emergence of firearms, heavy armors were used less frequently, leading to a more common use of light blade weapons.

From the 16. century onwards, sabers and rapiers were increasingly used in Western Europe. The former were mainly used by the cavalry, the latter also by the infantry. While sabers are primarily designed as slashing and cutting weapons, the rapier is a thrust-oriented edged weapon.


The term "Backswords" originally comes from England and refers to early military swords, whose essential feature is their straight, single-edged blade. In most cases, basket-hilted swords - such as Scottish Highland swords - are meant by Backswords.

Buy replicas of European swords at Master Knives

If you are interested in European swords, Meister Messer is the right place for you. Our range includes numerous knight and Viking swords as well as classic long and short swords. In addition to famous swords from the Middle Ages, you will also find replicas of swords from the time of the Romans and Germans in the Meister Messer online shop.

Of course, the range of products offered by Meister Messer is not limited to European swords. We also offer exquisite Samurai swords and Chinese swords. Additionally, on Meister Messer you will also find movie and fantasy swords. Take a closer look at our online shop and order your personal favorite sword today with just a few clicks.

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