Straight Razors & Accessories

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After razors were used almost exclusively by professional barbers for a long time, wet shaving with a razor has been gaining popularity in private settings for several years. This shaving method not only allows for an extremely thorough shave but is also considered gentle on the skin and environmentally friendly. You can find a selection of high-quality razors and accessories in the online shop of Meister Messer. Furthermore, we explain what to look out for when buying a razor.

The history of the straight razor: Already used in antiquity

Razor blades were already used in ancient Egypt around 3.000 BC. However, unlike today's models, the knives at that time were made of bronze or copper. In the European region, razors have been proven to be used since the Middle Bronze Age (from around 1.600 BC). However, unlike the Egyptians, Europeans initially used double-edged knives resembling modern razor blades.

In the Middle Ages, beard shavings were mostly done in bathhouses. There, hot steam softened the beard hair, making the procedure less unpleasant. Since the mid-19th century, there have been special shaving soaps that allow for a painless shave. It was also during this time that the first modern straight razors with foldable blades were developed.

What to consider when buying a straight razor

A variety of models are offered in the market. To find the optimal straight razor or straight razor set, you should consider some purchasing criteria. The key variables in this context will be outlined in the following sections.

Blade material

For the blade, manufacturers use various materials. In most cases, high-quality straight razors are made of carbon steel (also known as carbon steel), as it can be sharpened extremely sharp and also scores high in edge retention. Straight razors made of Damascus steel are considered at least equally high-quality. Alternatively, models with blades made of stainless steel are also available, which are very easy to care for.

Blade width

The blade width is given by the knife manufacturers in eighths of an inch. The width of the knives available on the market usually ranges from 3/8 to 7/8. While a wide blade can hold more shaving foam, a narrower blade allows you to reach all facial areas more easily. Therefore, for beginners, a model with a 4/8 or 5/8 blade is recommended.

The head shape of the blade

Depending on the model, straight razors have different head shapes. Blades with a round head are considered the classic version - with a rounded head. Corresponding straight razor blades do not have pointed ends, which is why they are particularly suitable for beginners. On the other hand, a square head has right-angled ends, allowing for more precise contouring. However, improper handling increases the risk of injury.

There are also different variations of the head. For example, a French head tapers in a quarter circle towards the blade end, while a Spanish head is slightly curved inward. In both cases, the contour guidance is intended to be facilitated. In addition, mixed forms can also be identified.

Handle material

The handle of a straight razor can be made of different materials. Both natural materials such as wood and horn, as well as durable plastics, are used. The choice of handle material is primarily a matter of personal preference.

What utensils do you need for shaving?

For the best possible wet shave, you need more than just a straight razor. The most important accessory is the stropping or honing strap, which you need before each shave. By drawing the flat side of the blade across the strap, you realign the edge that has been bent from previous use.

Also, don't forget about a shaving brush, with which you lather up the shaving soap or cream in a bowl and then massage it into your face. Alternatively, you can of course use shaving foam from a can. After about 100 to [[1]] shaves, it is also necessary to sharpen the straight razor, for which a special sharpening stone is recommended.

Order high-quality straight razors & accessories at Meister Messer

You can find all the necessary utensils for the classic version of wet shaving at Meister Messer. In our online shop, not only various straight razors are offered, but also strops and the corresponding honing paste, shaving brushes, and other accessories – So choose the suitable straight razor now and order online easily.

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