Throwing Axes

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Although axes are typically used as tools, they can also be used as throwing instruments. Special throwing axes are mainly used in sports. In Switzerland, the technically demanding sport of axe throwing is gaining popularity as a competitive discipline.

In the Meister Messer online shop you will find a large selection of throwing axes. Our range includes models in both classic and modern designs. The following guide also explains what criteria you should consider when buying a throwing axe.

What distinguishes throwing axes?

Due to their heavy head, you can basically throw any axe available on the market. However, not every model is equally suitable for this purpose. Unlike ordinary axes, throwing axes have a special shape and a very precise weight distribution. Both characteristics contribute to optimizing the flight properties.

In modern throwing axes, the head is usually made of relatively soft steel. This is because the material needs to be flexible enough not to break upon impact on the target.p>

The history of axe throwing: A brief excursion

The throwing of axes or hatchets has a long tradition. In particular, the Franks equipped numerous of their soldiers with throwing axes, which were thrown from their own shield wall into the ranks of the enemy to break them up. The preferred throwing weapon of the Germanic tribe was the so-called Francisca (also Franciska). Its typical feature is the S-shaped curved upper edge of the blade. In contrast, the lower edge has a regular curve.

Today, axe throwing is an official sport with established rules, numerous clubs, and its own World Championship. Its origin lies in Scandinavia, where lumberjacks began throwing their axes at targets as a pastime.

Buying Throwing Axes: Things to Consider

When looking for the right throwing axe, you should primarily ask yourself whether you want to throw with one hand or two. In the first case, light and compact throwing axes or Tomahawks with a length of 25 to 50 centimeters are suitable. Due to their relatively low weight, such models are particularly suitable for beginners.

In competitions, double axes are usually used, which are thrown with both hands. A typical feature of such models is their symmetrical axe head, which ensures optimal flight characteristics.

In addition, it is advisable to ensure that the throwing axe fits well in the hand. While models in traditional design typically have a wooden handle - mostly made of hickory - modern versions are sometimes also equipped with a handle made of sturdy plastic. However, throwing axes made from a single piece can also be found on the market. In this case, the axe handle is made of metal.

Order top-quality throwing axes at Meister Messer

Are you looking to buy a throwing axe? In Switzerland, Meister Messer is the right contact for that. Our range includes not only a variety of throwing axes and tomahawks that you can purchase individually, but also sets of 2s and 3s. We stock models from numerous quality brands - including Perfect Point, Condor Tool & Knife, and Hanwei Paul Chen.

Our throwing axes are not only characterized by high-quality materials and first-class workmanship, but also by fair prices. So don't wait any longer, add the desired model to your cart now and order easily and conveniently with just a few clicks.

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