Movies & Fantasy

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In the shop category "Film & Fantasy," we offer a wide selection of detailed replicas of famous swords and weapons from popular movies or series such as Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings. In addition, Meister Messer also carries numerous impressive fantasy weapons. Below, we present our product range to you in more detail.

Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is undoubtedly one of the most popular fantasy series of all time. The US television series is based on the novel series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by the writer George R. R. Martin. It is set in a fictional world inspired by the European Middle Ages, where seven kingdoms vie for power.

The sword known as "Longclaw" of Jon Snow is certainly one of the most famous weapons in the fantasy series. The sword, made of Valyrian steel, is given to the hero by the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch after he saves his life. However, on Meister Messer you can also find reproductions of the famous ancestral sword of House Stark, known as "Ice," and limited editions of the Unsullied armor.

The Lord of the Rings

With more than 150 million copies sold, the novel The Lord of the Rings written by J. R. R. Tolkien is one of the most successful literary works of the 20th century. A large part of the fantasy novel describes the arduous journey of the hobbit Frodo Baggins and his companions, which culminates in the destruction of the Ring of Power.

The novel gained worldwide fame through the film adaptation of the same name by director Peter Jackson, which ran in theaters from 2001 to 2003. The trilogy grossed around three billion dollars and still ranks in the top ten of fantasy films even 20 years later. Accordingly, the fan base is huge.

In addition to "Sting" - the magical short sword of the main character Frodo, which glows blue when Orcs are nearby - "Anduril" - the sword of the King of Gondor - is also considered a popular collectible among fantasy fans. Furthermore, at Meister Messer you can also find the combat knives of Legolas and Elven swords.

The Hobbit

The Hobbit also comes from the pen of J. R. R. Tolkien. The novel was already published in 1937 and serves as the prequel to The Lord of the Rings. The three-part film adaptation (2012 - 2014), directed once again by Peter Jackson, also grossed nearly three billion US dollars – making it just as successful at the box office as the first trilogy.

As in most fantasy films, the main and supporting characters here are also equipped with impressive weapons. Meister Messer offers high-quality reproductions of the most famous film weapons from The Hobbit. Whether you are interested in the Royal Sword of Thorin, the Sword of Thranduil, or the Staff of Gandalf the Wizard, you will find what you are looking for in the Meister Messer online shop.


Vikings tells the bloody story of the hero Ragnar Lothbrok over six seasons, who originally is a simple farmer and eventually rises to become the king of the Viking tribes. The Canadian-Irish television series combines historical events with fictional elements, creating a unique connection between both spheres.

Are you looking for Floki's weapons, the Sword of Kings, or Lagertha's sword? At Meister Messer, you will find various official replicas from the famous fantasy series. In addition, in this product category, we also offer authentic Viking swords that are based on historical models.

Kit Rae

The unique fantasy weapons of the knife and sword designer Kit Rae have long since achieved cult status. The Canadian worked for more than 15 years as a senior product designer at United Cutlery before founding 1997 his own brand. His knives and swords have already been used in numerous fantasy films and series, such as Star Trek, Indiana Jones, The X-Files, and Buffy – The Vampire Slayer.

If your interest is in film and fantasy weapons by Kit Rae, you've come to the right place at Meister Messer. In addition to swords and short swords, our range also includes battle and war axes as well as spears. Some of the Kit Rae weapons offered in the Meister Messer online shop even come from the legendary Swords of the Ancient collection, which originated 1997.


Although the 1986 released feature film Highlander also features elements of an action movie, the film is now considered an absolute classic in the fantasy film genre. The story of the film revolves around the Scottish antique dealer Connor MacLeod, who is one of the Immortals among humans and encounters his old archenemy in modern-day New York.

The immortals can only be killed by decapitation in this film, which is why it almost goes without saying that the Highlander fights with an impressive sword. However, our product range includes not only various versions of the Highlander Katana from Connor MacLeod, but also replicas of the MacLeod family clan sword, for example.


At Conan the Barbarian is a low fantasy film by 1982, which is considered a genre classic today and helped Arnold Schwarzenegger to break through. Conan - who lives in a village in the fictional and barbaric land of Hyboria - has to witness the murder of his parents as a child before being enslaved himself. After 15 years later he manages to escape, he seeks revenge.

In the Meister Messer online shop, you will find high-quality replicas of the famous film swords from Conan the Barbarian. In addition to the legendary Atlantean sword, our range also includes Conan's father's battle sword and Valeria's curved sword.

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