Shipping and Returns


Delivery is only available within Switzerland.
The delivery times are indicated for each item. If a delivery cannot be guaranteed within this period, you will be informed of the expected delivery time as soon as possible.
The items of an order are usually shipped together. If the delivery times of the individual items differ, the longest specified delivery times apply.
When choosing the payment method prepayment, the delivery times apply from receipt of payment.
Deliveries with a value of more than CHF 300.00 will be sent by registered mail.

Shipping costs

For packaging and shipping with Swiss Post (A-Priority), a flat rate of CHF 9.00 will be charged.

Return policy

For prepayment, returns must always be reported to with the bank details (IBAN) for the refund.
Returns must always be returned to our warehouse in Muttenz with the return label on the enclosed delivery note.
The delivery note must be enclosed. One of the reasons "Wrongly ordered", "Wrongly delivered", or "Defective" must be marked on it.

Defect upon receipt:
In case of receiving defective items, they must be reported within 7 days. Otherwise, the delivery will be considered accepted.
The return shipping costs will be refunded to the customer.

Defect after use:
If you suspect a manufacturing defect because the item was damaged during use, please contact us at ( We always find a solution.

Wrong delivery:
Incorrectly delivered items must be reported within 7 days. Otherwise, the delivery will be considered accepted. The return shipping costs will be refunded to the customer.

Wrongly ordered:
There is a return policy of 7 days.
Shipping costs will not be refunded and return shipping costs will also be borne by the customer.
No processing fee will be charged.

We kindly ask you to handle the return policy responsibly. We would appreciate it if we did not have to introduce any processing fees.
We understand that a product may not always meet your expectations or fit correctly. That's why it's important to us to offer a return policy, and we would like to maintain our generous handling of returns.

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