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There is probably hardly a more noble and fascinating close combat weapon than the sword. In addition to their function as a weapon, swords have always been a status or power symbol - for two main reasons: On the one hand, the production of cutting and thrusting weapons is very elaborate. On the other hand, manufacturing is a craft challenge.

Whether you are a collector, military enthusiast, or medieval fan: Even though swords are no longer used in military conflicts, they hold a special fascination for many people. If you are interested in a sword, Meister Messer is the right contact. Our range includes European and Chinese swords, samurai swords, as well as movie and practice swords.

What you need to know about the construction of swords

Swords have always been adapted to the fighting styles and armor of the enemies. Depending on the region and historical period, their shape and appearance therefore vary. For example, the Romans primarily used short swords designed for close combat. The Celts, on the other hand, relied on long swords optimized for riders and charioteers.

Nevertheless, close combat weapons generally have the same basic construction. Put simply, swords are made up of the following components:

  • The blade is the main component of any sword. Its sharp part is called the edge and the flat part is called the blade.
  • The so-called hilt represents the handle of the sword, which in most cases is made of organic materials - especially hardwood.
  • The pommel forms the end of the sword. Its primary purpose is to prevent the weapon from slipping out of the hand. Additionally, it serves as a counterweight to the blade, which facilitates sword handling.
  • The guard or crossguard not only deflects blows from the opponent. It also prevents the hand from slipping onto the blade in the heat of battle.

What types of swords are there?

There are several ways to classify the many different swords into individual types. Based on their mode of action, they can appear as cutting, slashing, or thrusting weapons:

  • As the name suggests, a cutting sword is primarily designed for cuts. Corresponding designs usually have a straight or at most slightly curved blade. Examples in this category include sparths, classic swords from the Middle Ages, and Viking swords.
  • Sabers are particularly characterized by their strongly curved blade, which also represents their characteristic feature. Typical representatives of this type of sword include, for example, the Indian Talwar, the Oriental Scimitar, and the ancient Egyptian Khopesh curved sword. The blades of Japanese samurai swords are also relatively curved, thus falling into the category of cutting weapons.
  • A thrusting sword is exclusively or primarily designed for thrusts. Therefore, it often has only a rudimentary edge. This category includes various versions of the rapier, as well as foils and broadswords.

However, swords can also be categorized based on their origin or provenance. Among the most well-known representatives are:

  • European Swords: Functional swords from various epochs of European history, such as Viking swords, knight and longswords, as well as Celtic and Roman swords
  • Samurai swords: Curved long swords from Japan with single-edged blade, such as the Katana, the Wakizashi, and the Tanto
  • Chinese Swords: Impressive war and butterfly swords from the Chinese region

Buy Swords: What to Look For

Which sword model is the right one for you depends mainly on what you intend to use it for. If the sword is only intended for decoration, the appearance is crucial. If you also want to perform cutting tests with the sword or use it for historical reenactments and stage combat, the focus should be more on the quality of the materials.

For history and military enthusiasts, replicas of historical swords are available. Special practice swords made of thermoplastic material or wood are suitable for individuals who want to train in sword fighting. For historical performances, on the other hand, stage combat swords are optimal.

Buy swords at Master Knives: Large selection of models & fair prices

Regardless of whether you are interested in a European knight sword, a Japanese katana, or a Chinese two-handed sword: At Meister Messer, you will definitely find the desired model. In addition to combat-ready swords from the European and Asian regions, our product range also includes designs specifically for training or show fights. Furthermore, our assortment includes numerous models for film and fantasy fans.

The swords we offer are not only characterized by first-class materials and workmanship. In addition, the models available at Meister Messer score with an attractive price-performance ratio - So discover the range now, choose your personal desired sword, and order online with just a few clicks!

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