Emergency Supplies

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Even today, the Federal Office for Economic Supply (BWL) advises all Swiss citizens to keep a one-week emergency supply at home. Whether it's a natural disaster, power outage, or a prolonged crisis scenario: Emergency supplies prove to be helpful in various situations and should therefore be available in every household.

In the Meister Messer online shop, you will find a wide selection of extremely long-lasting food items or ready meals, with which you are well prepared for exceptional situations. The emergency supplies offered on Meister Messer are also a practical companion on outdoor tours and survival trips. Below you will find out which products should be included in an emergency supply.

That's why every household should create an emergency supply

As supermarkets, gas stations, and train station shops are open every day or almost every day, it may not seem necessary to stock up on emergency supplies. However, various crisis scenarios are conceivable that could lead to temporary supply interruptions. This applies especially to natural disasters such as storms, floods, or heavy snowfall, but also to quarantine measures, power outages, and chemical accidents.

Fortunately, there is only a low probability that such an incident will actually occur. However, if it does happen, an emergency supply represents a valuable reserve that can bridge the gap until official assistance kicks in. By having a stock of food and drinks, you can face such emergencies much more calmly. The same applies to an acute illness. So, there is a lot to be said for maintaining a certain minimum supply.

Emergency Supplies List: What belongs in the emergency supplies?

If you want to create a personal emergency supply, you should definitely consider not only the shelf life but also your own dietary habits - preferences and, if applicable, allergies and food intolerances. In general, you can orient yourself on the emergency supply recommendation for Swiss citizens created by the Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP):

Beverages for about a week:

  • At least 9 liters of drinking water (a six-pack) per person
  • More drinks, such as fruit juices and longer-lasting beverages

Food for about a week:

  • For example rice, pasta, ready meals, canned food, dried meat, dried fruits, muesli, zwieback, chocolate (You should calculate with 2200 kilocalories per day and person)
  • Oil or fat, salt, sugar, coffee, tea, UHT milk


  • Battery-powered radio and spare batteries
  • Flashlight, candles, matches and/or lighter
  • Gas cooker


  • Hygiene items and medicines
  • Some cash
  • Pet food (if applicable)

Some preppers even stock up on emergency supplies for 3 months or more. According to the Federal Office for Economic Supply, interruptions in supply lasting several months are very unlikely. According to the authority's assessments, a supply interruption in a crisis situation is more likely to last several days rather than weeks, as is also evident from the emergency supply list for Swiss citizens.

Acquiring food and beverage supplies all at once is not necessarily required. Instead, it is recommended to simply add one more pack to your shopping cart when purchasing products - such as pasta - that are suitable for emergency supplies. This way, you gradually increase your personal supplies without having to spend a lot of money at once.

How and where should the emergency supplies be stored?

When storing, there are several things to consider. On the one hand, the food should be stored as dry, protected from light, and cool as possible. On the other hand, it is important to be able to quickly access the supplies in case of emergency. Therefore, the kitchen or the basement, for example, are suitable as storage locations.

The Federal Office for Civil Protection also recommends integrating the emergency supplies into your daily food needs - that is, continuously consuming and replenishing the supplies. Newly purchased food items (with longer shelf life) should also always be sorted to the back of the shelf. In addition, it is advisable to occasionally check packaging for damage and pay attention to the expiration date.

Preparing food in crisis situations: Possible even without electricity

If there is a blackout or the power supply collapses temporarily due to a natural disaster, the kitchen stove will of course not work either. If you want to prepare or heat up food in such a case, an alternative option is necessary. For example, you can use a camping stove.

Another alternative to the stove in your own four walls are so-called Heater Bags. These are heating bags that can be used to warm up food. Corresponding heating bags are mainly used in the outdoor area, but are also suitable for emergency situations.

Emergency supplies in Switzerland can be easily and conveniently ordered online

Whether it's a snack, a single ready meal, or a week's supply: If you want to buy emergency supplies, Meister Messer is the right place for you. In our online shop, you will find everything you need to prepare for a crisis situation. The food and groceries offered in the product category "Emergency Supplies" are not only extremely tasty and have an extremely long shelf life of at least eight years, but are also generally free of preservatives and additives.

Meister Messer also offers numerous other emergency supply products, such as flashlights and headlamps, lighters and matches, as well as Heater Bags - So discover the range today and prepare for emergencies.

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