Cold Steel

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Cold Steel: A pioneer in the knife industry

Since its founding in 1980, Cold Steel has established itself as one of the leading companies in the production of knives and cutting tools. With an unwavering commitment to quality and innovation, the knife manufacturer has set standards that many others in the industry strive for. Knives from Cold Steel are known for their exceptional product quality and are recognized worldwide for performance and reliability.

The philosophy of Cold Steel

Cold Steel stands for quality, durability, and innovation. The company has always focused on developing products that are superior in terms of performance and reliability. Cold Steel is dedicated to continuous improvement and strives to be a leader in each of its business fields.

The philosophy of Cold Steel is based on the pursuit of perfection, with each product bearing the company's logo serving as a testament to this commitment. Throughout its corporate history, the manufacturer has repeatedly succeeded in setting new standards in the knife industry – for example, through innovative design or exceptional functionality.

Industry Leader: Cold Steel's pioneering innovations

The knife manufacturer has also made a name for itself through its inventiveness. Among the innovations introduced by Cold Steel are:

  • Modern Blade Steels: Cold Steel has always strived to use the best materials for their in-house products. With the introduction of steels such as San Mai III and Carbon V, the manufacturer has revolutionized the knife industry.
  • Tri-Ad-Lock & Locking Mechanism: This special locking mechanism for folding knives was designed to withstand extreme pressures and stresses without failing. Its design also minimizes the risk of the blade unexpectedly folding, increasing user safety.
  • Textured Kraton Handle: With this innovation, Cold Steel ensures that a knife handle provides a secure grip even when wet. In addition, Kraton is resistant to wear, chemicals, and temperature fluctuations, extending the lifespan of the knives. Nowadays, this achievement is also utilized by numerous other manufacturers.
  • Modified Tanto Blade Tip: This is a development of the classic Tanto tip, offering increased penetration power and improved cutting performance. The modified blade tip combines traditional aesthetics with modern functionality, making Cold Steel knives very versatile.

What should also not go unmentioned: The company has published a variety of instructional videos and tutorials on its YouTube channel, illustrating the art of knife fighting and self-defense.

Responsible Production in Focus

Over the years, Cold Steel has impressed not only with its products, but also with its ethical principles and sense of responsibility. The company places great emphasis on the ethical production of its products and ensures that all employees work under safe and fair conditions. In addition, Cold Steel is committed to sustainable business practices and ensures that its production processes have as little impact on the environment as possible.

The company history of Cold Steel

Cold Steel is an American retailer of knives, blade-based tools, training weapons, swords, and other weapons for martial arts. The company was founded 1980 in Ventura, California, but relocated to Irving, Texas after being acquired by GSM Outdoors in 2020.

Lynn Thompson - the founder of Cold Steel - is not only the president of the company, but also a passionate advocate of martial arts and weapon technology. Thompson's vision was not only to produce knives and weapons, but also to develop the best training tools and equipment for martial arts. This approach has made Cold Steel one of the leading representatives in the industry.

With the introduction of the American Tanto, the success story of the company began in its founding year. The design quickly became popular and has had a lasting impact on the knife industry. Initially, the manufacturer had imported models produced almost exclusively in Japan. However, Cold Steel knives are now produced not only in the USA and the Land of the Rising Sun, but worldwide – for example, in China, South Africa, Italy, and Taiwan.

Another important aspect in the history of Cold Steel is the collaboration with renowned knife designers. The company has already worked with many esteemed industry figures, including Andrew Demko, Phil Boguszewski, and Zach Whitson.

The product portfolio of Cold Steel

Cold Steel offers an extensive range of cutting tools that cover various needs and applications. Here is a detailed look at the most important product categories:

  • Pocket knives: The pocket knives from Cold Steel are known for their durability and versatility. They are excellent for everyday use and outdoor activities. A well-known example is the Cold Steel Ti-Lite, which draws inspiration from the classic stiletto design of the 1950s, but combines modern technologies and materials.
  • Fixed Blade Knives: This category includes a wide range of knives, including hunting knives and survival knives. A prime example of the versatility and durability of Cold Steel knives is the Survival Rescue Knife - or SRK for short. Originally designed for rescue personnel and military personnel, Cold Steel's SRK has established itself as an essential tool for outdoor enthusiasts and survivalists.
  • Machetes: Cold Steel offers a variety of machetes designed for use in agriculture, horticulture, and outdoor adventures. The bush knives come with sturdy blades and an ergonomic handle.
  • Swords and historical weapons: The company also produces an impressive range of swords and other historical weapons that are attractive to collectors as well as martial arts enthusiasts.
  • Specialized Defense Tools: This category includes products such as tactical pens, batons, and self-defense umbrellas that perform reliably and stand out with innovative design.

Cold Steel products are manufactured to the highest standards and are sometimes the result of decades of research and development. The company has not only focused on improving existing designs. Entirely new product categories or series have also been introduced, which continue to shape the industry to this day.

The Cold Steel Community

Cold Steel is not just a company, but also a movement. The brand has a global community of followers who appreciate the quality and reliability of Cold Steel knives. The community, mainly consisting of collectors, outdoor enthusiasts, and professional users, is proof of the influence and importance of Cold Steel in the cutlery industry. The knife manufacturer has always placed value on working closely with its community to receive valuable feedback and continuously improve its products.

Cold Steel in Pop Culture

Products from Cold Steel have made a remarkable impression in the film and television industry:


  • The Man From Nowhere: Steel Tiger
  • Savage Dog: XL Espada
  • Total Recall: Safe Keeper
  • Universal Soldier: Safe Keeper
  • John Wick II: Safe Maker and others
  • Fast & Furious: Large Voyager
  • Prom Night: Black Rhino
  • Vengeance: Black Talon
  • Monkey Paw: Hold Out
  • GI:Joe: Safemaker
  • Ghost in The Shell: Tanto
  • Wolverine (in Japan): Tanto
  • 12 Strong: Tanto
  • Gotham: Tiger Claw
  • Arrow: Double Agent
  • Elysium: Tanto and Counter Tac
  • One In The Chamber: Rajah I

TV series:

  • The Walking Dead: Laredo, Gang Hatchet and others
  • Supernatural: ODA
  • Safehouse: Ti-Lite VI
  • Chicago PD: Large, black-coated CS folding knife with Clip-Point blade

Conclusion: Cold Steel is a synonym for quality and innovation

Cold Steel has established itself as one of the industry leaders through its continuous pursuit of quality and innovation. Due to the impressive development of the company and its clear vision for the future, it can be assumed that Cold Steel will continue to set standards in the cutting tool industry. Explore the world of Cold Steel now in our online shop to experience the quality of the knives for yourself.

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